Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Comments from Olga Craig article...

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2 people
I have just read a report concerning the death of a schoolgirl at a teenage party which was not supervised by the parents of the party's hostess. The hostess' father has been charged with child abandonment, among other things. This is surely an analogous case to that of the McCanns'? Is the reason why this girls parents have not been charged similarly because it is out of the jurisdiction of British police? Maybe there is no law relating to child abandonment in Portugal (hard to believe) and that is why the Portugese police have not charged the McCanns.

41 minutes ago
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5 people
Yes, there is a law of child abandonment in Portugal and IIRC is carries a compulsory jail sentence. I think it was hoped that the abandonment charge would have been subsumed within a major charge - which didn't happen. The case was shelved instead. The McCanns could have appealed the shelving to keep the case open - but failed to do so. AFAIK this is the first case of a missing child that has been shelved in Portugal. The parents can ask for the case to be re-opened and co-operate with the police - but haven't, so far.

31 minutes ago
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5 people
The sentence is up to 1 year jail time for simple abandonment; up to 10 years if the child has subsequently come to harm. Why the McCanns were never charged is anyone's guess.

Yesterday 11:34 PM
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21 people
If anyone from Portugal is reading this Olga Craig does not represent the vast majority of views of people in the UK. If Olga Craig is reading this, then please stop dragging my countries flag through the mud !

Today 09:11 AM
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8 people
Olga Craig is just the latest in a long line of bimbo hackettes*, to trawl out all the xenophobic rubbish their little brains can think of, in order to discredit the Portuguese police and civilians. In fact they should be showing some gratitude for all the time, money and effort expended on a couple of negligent child neglectors, who would have been in a court long ago, had they been chavs from some sink estate.
*Bel Mooney, Lorraine Kelly, Fiona Phillips and my personal favourite, Antonella Lazzarelli. There are probably a lot more that I can't think of right now.

Today 12:23 AM
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19 people
Well said, Brythonic. I'm appalled that the editor could allow such sensationalist, factually incorrect and libellous (imho) claims to be made against Goncalo Amaral. How dare she say "the locals did not handle the disappearance in a more organised – and less hysterical – manner" > these were the very people who generously gave of their time to search for Madeleine while Kate was "really busy" sitting in the apartment. What parents would rather go jogging than search for THEIR child??

Yesterday 10:20 PM
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20 people
I find it incredible that this story keeps re-emerging each May.
Why does the media latch onto one child, one couple. Can anyone tell me in the four years how many children have gone missing?
I think the negativity towards the parents may in part be fuelled by the anger that people felt towards their utter selfishness on leaving them to have dinner in the first place
Always wondered if anyone asked them the question

"Well Was it worth it then?"

Yesterday 09:58 PM
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29 people
More than 90% of all child murders are by family or people known to the child, so best we keep an open mind on all possible suspects.

Yesterday 09:34 PM
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26 people
Very sad what happened to this poor child but something doesnt add up in the storys of the parents, i think they know a lot more than they let on about that night... all i know that if i had a child and it went missing like poor madeline then i would not be able to return to work and carry on as thou nothing had happened a few months later, im sure most parents wouldnt give a damn about their job and would spend every waking moment trying to find out what happened to their child.. unlike these two who went back to work( esp the father!!!!) and payed out thousands from well meaning donations to hire a PR man!!! (and pay off their debts and loans on their house at the same time!!!)

David Murphy
Yesterday 11:39 PM
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I think you are being naive. Most people would carry on with their lives n some form. they have carried on fighting for four years and are now getting abuse for doing so.

Yesterday 08:35 PM
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18 people
They left their children and were certainly irresponsible. It is funny how often people on holiday take leave of their normal sensitivity to harm and danger that lurks everywhere when sensible and basic common sense precautions are seemingly ignored in their " holiday minds".

It is a great tragedy for them all, and the poor child who is alive or dead, we simply do not know.

What has truly astonished me is the level of nasty comments on this thread. Absolutely ugly, and all I can say is that these people must be perfection in human form. What a nasty thought...

Yesterday 09:40 PM
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20 people
What nasty comments?

Yesterday 08:45 PM
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14 people
If by perfection you mean a complete lack of empathy and humanity, I agree completely. It is a shame that this sad tragedy seems to bring out the worst in some people, and the need to attack a couple who have lost their child by rehashing over and over again the fact that they left their children alone.

Yesterday 08:52 PM
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13 people
Yes, I do indeed mean that the level of vituperation and cruelty is just appalling. Of course, it is natural I suppose, to lash out at those responsible for the neglect that led to this child's immiseration, but they have suffered what I can't even imagine is beyond hell. The fact that fellow human beings would continue to shower them with opprobrium and cruelty now is just sickening. It is stunningly cruel. The cruelty that the viciously perfect alone can muster.

Yesterday 09:23 PM
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6 people
Vituperation and twisted mind-sets appear to be par for the course on these comment boards.

You only have to look at the numbers of people recommending some of the comments by these unbelieveably nasty types.

Appalling is the only word for them.

Yesterday 07:19 PM
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50 people
Bottom Line. They left their kids alone. That's completely unacceptable - and against the law, actually.

Yesterday 08:57 PM
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8 people
Ah, you've mastered the art of stating the obvious, I see.

Yesterday 09:09 PM
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8 people
And your point is?

Yesterday 09:11 PM
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10 people
I think her point is well-made. Where's your difficulty? You stated the obvious without any emotion. Well done.....

Yesterday 09:31 PM
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17 people
There are quite enough people on here induging in emotional masturbation on behalf of the McCanns. The whole situation could have been avoided.

Yesterday 06:23 PM
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61 people
I have read a translation of Goncalo Amaral's book...

So shall not be buying the McCann book; the profits from which will be used by the McCanns to evade justice and to further their campaign of destroying those who, like Amaral, joined the dots. The circumstantial evidence against the couple appears strong... and they have never been cleared of wrongdoing:- the case has been rested, pending new evidence.

This article is a toadying plug for the fantasy version of events Kate McCann wants people to spend their cash on buying into. I would post a link to the Amaral translation, but it's sure to get deleted.

Yesterday 11:30 PM
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7 people
Ah, yes Goncalo Amaral who is facing charges in court right now for botching the investigation of another little girl's disappearance in Portugal. He's a complete doozy. If you are relying on that kind of eejit for your information then you are exercising blind faith rather than reason I would suggest.

Yesterday 10:24 PM
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14 people
I have read the translation and I agree.

Yesterday 07:31 PM
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11 people
Yes it will,I did something similar and it was.

Yesterday 06:41 PM
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4 people
"There were no indications of the practice of any crime."

(from the Public Prosecuter's Archiving Despatch)
PJ Final Report

Social Media Reactions

24 minutes ago
From twitter
RT @Flossysplace: Madeleine McCann: time to forget? - Telegraph via @Telegraph - comments still going, now 161

39 minutes ago
From twitter
Madeleine McCann: time to forget? - Telegraph via @Telegraph - comments still going, now 161

Yesterday 08:40 PM
From twitter
@NotFinancialAdv via @Telegraph why don't the cops lock 'em up ?

Yesterday 06:27 PM
From twitter
Why don't these useless, selfish pair, shut the fuck up. Madeleine McCann: time to forget? - Telegraph via @Telegraph

Yesterday 02:57 PM
From twitter
RT @spudgun01: #Madeleine #McCann Time to Forget?? Categorically not! The only thing that it IS time to forget is the BULLSHIT!

Yesterday 01:16 PM
From twitter
RT @w_nicht: Madeleine McCann: time to forget? Olga Craig an other #mccann fool,pathetic via @addthis

Yesterday 01:16 PM
From twitter
RT @w_nicht: Madeleine #McCann /Grab,abduction,abduction...etc. The Police UK/PT suspected the parents. via @addthis

Yesterday 01:16 PM
From twitter
RT @w_nicht: Madeleine #McCann: time to forget? - Telegraph: This stupid woman can't even get the names right,who is Sonia? ROLF

Showing 26-50 of 164 comments
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Today 12:28 AM
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3 people
Not tested in a court of law.

Yesterday 05:44 PM
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61 people
We must remember that many countries do not have our excellent police investigation and justice system;

Jill Dando - Barry George fitted up
Jean Charles de Menezes - nobody found guilty. Cressida Dick (Commander in charge) promoted.
Birmingham 6 - police found to have tampered with evidence but not prosecuted because of 'adverse publicity'
Carl Bridgewater - police found to have fabricated evidence

I could go on...

Something to consider before we blithely criticise the Portuguese Police.

Yesterday 05:27 PM
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55 people
"A few, one suspects, feel guilty that the locals did not handle the disappearance in a more organised – and less hysterical – manner."

Bolleaux. my dear foreign correspondent, if I may be so bold. The hysteria was on the part of the British media that jetted 'star' reporters such as the BBC's Jane Hill into Praia da Luz expecting the usual press conferences and slavish police cooperation as they would receive in the UK. Unfortunately, none of them took the trouble to read Portuguese law, which forbids the police and authorities from commenting on an ongoing case. Met by a legally imposed stone wall, the 'stars' got the hump and then started making petulant comments about incompetent 'locals' and Mediterranean' police in shiny riding boots and sunglasses, which I find more than a little racist to be honest.


Yesterday 05:26 PM
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15 people
I feel very sorry for the McCanns but one cannot continue to belabor the point that all the children were left unattended that night. That act was foolish (& selfish) enough but to do that anywhere today is asking for trouble. However, to do it in a third world country like Portugal is true folly. And for those unworldly Brits who may not agree that countries like Portugal are 'third world', just consider how the Portuguese police handled the investigation. No organised western nation would have been so goddamned slapdash in their enquiries. The lesson here is 'travel wisely and be aware of what goes on around you and the country you're visiting'. So few people do that today, as is evidenced here. Even if they find Madeleine now, and I truly hope they do, she'll be a very changed little girl.

Yesterday 05:07 PM
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15 people
Though Madelaine's parents can never forget about her I wonder at the effect this prolonged campaign must be having on the two younger siblings, with the parents constantly reminding them of their elder sister in so many ways. I think it could be very hard on them and on their chances of a normal childhood.

Yesterday 04:12 PM
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41 people
Oh, and ST, Goncalo Amaral's wife is called SOFIA, not SONIA. Clearly a lot of research has gone into this "article".

Yesterday 04:01 PM
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19 people
I've often felt there is a great deal of similarity between the McCann case and that of Lindy Chamberlain in that both cases were conducted in the public gaze and by the media instead of by the appropriate authorities. In both cases the relevant authorities were unskilled and incapable of investigating the disappearance adequately. In both cases, the behaviour of the parents and particularly the degree of grief displayed by the mother played an important part in the formation of public opinion, fanned, of course, by an outraged media.
For those that don't know, a dingo did indeed take the child and regardless of how many people think they know how a mother should react under those conditions, Lindy Chamberlain was innocent. The vast number of people that wisely nodded in agreement at her purported guilt when they discussed the case will always owe her an apology.

I find it hard to understand how people can assume they "know" how a person should behave when put under the most incredibly stressful and unique circumstances. Is their knowledge gained from personal experience, I think not. Maybe a lifetime of watching crime drama imbues this knowledge. Unfortunately while drama always has to have its twists and turns ( it wouldn't be drama otherwise), life is far more mundane. The Chamberlains claimed a dingo took their child and it did. The McCann's say that their child was abducted. Unless the authorities can show compelling evidence in court which proves otherwise I will be sympathetic to their cause and remember their pain at being thrust into the most dreadful circumstances that anyone can imagine.
I can only hope the outcome for the McCanns is positive and saves them any more distress.

Yesterday 11:54 PM
I concur with your inability to understand, to 'know' how a person should behave in the face of loss.
It was instilled in me as a child that displays of grief in public were completely unacceptable. I broke this rule when weeping at the funeral of a beloved grandmother and my lack of self-control was made quite clear to me by other family members.
This will doubtless seem odd to a generation (or two) raised on public wailing and disclosure but I now feel the old way was better and more considerate of others - a concept which has also disappeared.

Yesterday 04:04 PM
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41 people
"I find it hard to understand how people can assume they "know" how a person should behave when put under the most incredibly stressful and unique circumstances."

Answering official police questioning would be a start. I am pretty confident that is an appropriate response to the grief of losing your child, especially just after it has happened and there is a good chance of recovering her.

Yesterday 05:27 PM
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11 people
I did mention this in an earlier posting but obviously someone has some influence as it was omitted as were other facts I noted.

Yesterday 03:46 PM
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42 people
Just 10 weeks after her disappearence...
"Gerry McCann is in the US on a four-day fact-finding visit to learn about the work of specialist agencies in preventing child trafficking and sexual abuse."

If it had been me I would still have been in Portugal looking?

Yesterday 06:26 PM
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4 people
Where exactly would you have looked that the police hadn't?

Yesterday 07:31 PM
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4 people
I guess where the parents are spending money looking now.

Yesterday 06:38 PM
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11 people
Under the bed dummy...
I would have searched again. If she had indeed been kidnapped it is highly plausable that she would have been moved from one place to another.
I would not have been 4000 miles away.

Yesterday 03:17 PM
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26 people
The most odd thing I find about all this is, that in a crowded and bustling resort, in daylight, NOBODY apparently saw ANYTHING.
I find that most peculiar....surely SOMEBODY must have seen SOMETHING....

Yesterday 07:32 PM
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7 people
I think somebody did.

Yesterday 06:27 PM
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1 person
One of the holidaymakers heard someone calling Madeleine, Madeleine at around 9.15-9.30pm on their way home from the restaraunt. I wonder who it was.

A friend of the Mccanns saw a man with a child in pyjamas at around 9.15pm, but did not see their face.

A group of Irish people saw a man with a girl in pyjamas at 10pm on their way home.

Other than that, not alot really. But there are a few stories of people seeing *dodgy* people around the area from six months before to the days before the abduction.

Yesterday 04:58 PM
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22 people
"The most odd thing I find about all this is, that in a crowded and bustling resort, in daylight, NOBODY apparently saw ANYTHING."

Well apart from the fact that the child went missing after 9:30 at night and it was dark. So dark, that one of the members of the holidaying group said they felt uneasy walking back to their apartment.

It does make you wonder how scared their daughter would have been if she'd left through the door they left unlocked for her, in case she wanted to come looking for them.

Yesterday 02:53 PM
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23 people
Have the McCanns and their supporters engineered a deception on us by using a doctored image? If so, who altered it? Are there any experts on photo-manipulation reading this, who'd care to scrutinize the picture with which we've so often been presented?

Yesterday 09:20 PM
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2 people
You are sick, and so are all those recommending this drivel.

Yesterday 02:36 PM
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52 people
What a pathetic piece of "journalism"!
And how miserable researched.

Yesterday 02:34 PM
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9 people
A young life has been stolen and the agony goes on. This incident will not be, nor should it be, forgotten.
A number of people out there know Madeleine as she is today and others will know that she suddenly appeared from nowhere. It's time to come clean and return her to her loved ones. Alright they were irresponsible and they will regret it for the rest of their lives, or until she is restored to them.

Yesterday 02:21 PM
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20 people
'There, but for the grace of God, go you and I' . The McCann's have probably spent part of every day cursing themselves for not posting a guard over their children every minute of every day and night. Especially on holiday, where no-one, anywhere is to be trusted.

Ridiculous! Paranoid! Of course it is.

So much condemnation of the McCanns on this page but none for the evil person, or persons, who stole and perhaps have abused and murdered their child.

Odd set of values some people have.

Yesterday 05:29 PM
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27 people
How do you know she was stolen?

Yesterday 02:34 PM
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54 people
If you have evidence that Madeleine was stolen, show us
But you won't, will you – because there isn't any, is there?

Social Media Reactions

30 minutes ago
From twitter
RT @Flossysplace: Madeleine McCann: time to forget? - Telegraph via @Telegraph - comments still going, now 161
44 minutes ago
From twitter
Madeleine McCann: time to forget? - Telegraph via @Telegraph - comments still going, now 161
Yesterday 08:40 PM
From twitter
@NotFinancialAdv via @Telegraph why don't the cops lock 'em up ?
Yesterday 06:27 PM
From twitter
Why don't these useless, selfish pair, shut the fuck up. Madeleine McCann: time to forget? - Telegraph via @Telegraph
Yesterday 02:57 PM
From twitter
RT @spudgun01: #Madeleine #McCann Time to Forget?? Categorically not! The only thing that it IS time to forget is the BULLSHIT!
Yesterday 01:16 PM
From twitter
RT @w_nicht: Madeleine McCann: time to forget? Olga Craig an other #mccann fool,pathetic via @addthis
Yesterday 01:16 PM
From twitter
RT @w_nicht: Madeleine #McCann /Grab,abduction,abduction...etc. The Police UK/PT suspected the parents. via @addthis
Yesterday 01:16 PM
From twitter
RT @w_nicht: Madeleine #McCann: time to forget? - Telegraph: This stupid woman can't even get the names right,who is Sonia? ROLF